Log in with your username and password and purchase a membership.

Your User Name is likely your first name and your last name (all one word). If you are having trouble try your email address or contact the office for more assistance.

Username Example: JacobSmith

Your temporary password has been set as [password<membershipnumber>], if you have an email associated with your account you can reset your password.

Password Example: password136

Simply Log in to your existing account here: Login

Sorry for your troubles! Without email addresses for all of our members, we couldn’t rely on a password reset option, so we tried to make it easy. This means that while the majority will be able to access it no problem, there may be a few individuals that have some troubles.  Here’s some tips:

  • if you have a hyphen or apostrophe, remove those from your login name (O’Malley becomes OMalley)
  • you registered with a SR or JR designation – SR and JR are at the end of your user name.
  • you are an Honor Member – please call the Office to provide your email and reset your password
  • you signed up with a middle initial like Robert E. Jakes, your user name becomes RobertEJakes

Yes! You will keep your membership number as your personal number for the Manitoba Agricultural Museum, so get to know it!  If you don’t have your 2017 membership card as a reference – call the office for assistance.

When you are renewing your Adult membership you will be required to select your favorite volunteer shift. The Reunion Chair will reach out to schedule your shifts appropriately closer to the date.  For Lifetime members – log in to your account and choose the volunteer areas that you are most interested in!

If paying by cheque, your membership will not appear until your cheque has been received, so if you wish to send one cheque for your membership and campground, we’ll take care of getting your campground renewed on your account. Note that the cheque must be received by March 31st in order to not retain your campsite.

Your campsite from last year is assigned to the member that purchased the site last year. That member will log in and renew their campsite in the same way they renew their membership. If they do not renew by March 31st, the site will be put up for other volunteers to book.

You can pay for your memebership at the AGM, however paying online before the AGM will help you avoid the lines and the hassle. Memberships expire at midnight the night of the AGM.

Yes please! You do not need a PayPal account, you can simply use the PayPal site to enter your credit card information in a secure format. We do not store any of the information.

Nope! You do not need a PayPal account to pay online. You can use your credit card information through the PayPal site without having an account.