Exhibitor ApplicationJuly 27-30, 2023Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Street Address *City/Town Prov/State Postal Code *Phone number *Cell Phone numberExhibition Equipment – name, type, make, model, year *Exhibit Type *Made in ManitobaHomebuiltManitoba innovation100 years old (or older)Other (tell us what)Other typeI am a member of the Manitoba Agricultural Museum *YesNoI would like to order the following *Exhibitor Camping $50 (sorry, power available only in public campground)one exhibitor’s pass $45 (required for non-members, spouses are considered exhibitors)one additional adult passtwo additional adult passesthree additional adult passesone additional children’s passtwo additional children’s passesthree additional children’s passesAny extra passes required may be purchased at the entrance gateAdditional comments or requirementsSubmit