The Plank Drag

A diagram of the plank drag used by Seager Wheeler on his farm in 1919. This drag had evolved significantly from the first drag he used when homesteading in Saskatchewan in the 1890s. His first drag consisted of two poplar logs pegged together. The bottom of the logs were cut flat probably using an adze.

In the previous History Nugget on the practice of backsetting, which was sometimes carried out when breaking virgin sod, the use of a plank drag in subsequent field operations was mentioned.

A plank drag was somewhat more complicated than merely dragging a plank across the field and so deserves some further explanation. Seeger Wheeler, who wrote the book Profitable Grain Growing, thought the plank drag was important enough that he devoted a chapter in his book to its uses. He built this drag using two 2X8 planks eight feet long set on edge, one running behind the other. The trailing plank did not run exactly behind the leading plank but rather was offset to the left of the leading plank by one foot. The two planks were separated by three feet. Three 2X6s, three feet long, were mortised into the drag planks near the top edge of the 2X8 drag planks. One of these pieces went in the middle and the other two pieces at the ends of the drag planks. Boards were then nailed across the tops of these pieces to provide a place where the driver could stand. In addition, two iron or steel rods running between the 2X8s were used to hold the entire assembly together. A chain threaded on to these rods was used as a hitch to the team pulling the drag. The rods had to be high up on the drag planks so to result in the team’s pull coming on to the top edge of the plank which better allowed the soil to move along the the front edge.

The draw chain should have the clevis fastened to it so that the right side of the chain is shorter than the left side resulting in the drag being drawn at an angle of about 40 degrees while it was working. Any steeper angle than this angle resulted in the drag pulling sideways. With a 40 degree angle, soil was encouraged to move along the front edge of the drag.

The plank drag crushed lumps, shaved off humps in the field, and filled in light depressions. Just as importantly, when used properly, a plank drag could fill in the dead furrows left by plowing. Wheeler pointed out that a smooth surface on a field resulted in the field equipment of the time operating more consistently. For example, if the small wheel on the end of the table of a grain binder met any small obstruction in the field, the binder would swing somewhat which would then result in the grain coming onto the table on an angle resulting in ragged sheaves which posed problems in stooking. A smooth running binder produced neat and compact sheaves. Seed drills also benefited from a smooth surface as depth was more easily maintained and the feed of seed was more regular. Seed drills at that time were ground driven off the end wheels and if the wheels were being bounced around this resulted in the mechanism dropping the seed operating in a jerky and less regular manner.

One has to remember in the age of horse-drawn equipment, farmers wanted light running equipment as it would be less tiring for horses to pull which meant the farmer could cover more ground before the team became exhausted for the day. However, a side effect of light running equipment that it was more sensitive to field conditions.

Page revised: 8 December 2022